Odour Filtration Systems

Odour control systems are designed and commission to operate automatically when the extract system is operational, as such no user control is required to prevent systems being left operational when not required.

Due to the high voltage electrical equipment and safety devices utilised, the odour filtration equipment should be maintained by trained competent persons. An annual service contract is offered with all odour control equipment and is highly recommended to ensure continued efficient operation and prolong the life of the equipment.

When carbon filters are utilised, a further set of filters are installed to ensure that grease does not reach the carbon cells. These pre-filters are of disposable nature and are not suitable for cleaning. These filters should be changed every two to three weeks to prevent saturation and blockage. Supplies of pre filters are available normally on a 10-working day lead time.

Carbon Filters
Carbon filter locations and access points are clearly marked on the kitchen ventilation layout drawing. Access to the carbon filters is gained via the access panel mounted on the extract ductwork. Following any inspection access doors should be replaced and secured using the original fixings (securely installed) to prevent air leakage and unnecessary vibration. Carbon filters are “operator maintenance free,” although periodic inspections are advisable. However, the importance of filter maintenance is vastly increased. Should air with high content of vapourised grease be allowed to meet the media of the filters, the media will become blocked, requiring replacement. This will vastly reduce the extract fans performance and if left in this state for any length of time will cause the extract fan motor to expire.
Carbon filters are effective for six to twelve months, dependent upon menu and level of covers produced. Odour emissions should be examined on a regular basis and arrangements be made installation of replacement filter cells, as necessary.