Fire Dampers

Fire Dampers are designed for applications in normal dry filtered air systems and should be subjected to a planned inspection programme, with cleaning and light oil lubrication in accordance with good industry practice. All Fire Dampers should be tested by competent persons, in accordance with all relevant risk assessments, on completion of the installation and at regular intervals not exceeding twelve months. Spring operated fire dampers should be tested annually fully in accordance with BS 9999 Annex W.1.

For Further details and maintenance requirements please refer to damper manufacture’s details appended to this manual.

The position of fire dampers together with maintenance access points is clearly detailed upon kitchen ventilation layout drawing.

The damper blades are released with considerable force, great care must be taken to ensure that no limbs are within the path of the shutter curtain prior to releasing the fusible link to avoid injury.

All access doors should be closed off and secured utilising all original fixings following testing and maintenance of fire dampers.

Fire Resistant Ductwork

Highlighted on the layout drawing with the flame symbol. The installation is inspected and certified following installation. All future modifications to this ductwork must be carried out by an accredited installer to maintain the manufacturer’s guarantees. No other services should be hung from the brackets of fire rated ductwork. Should the fire-resistant fabric be damaged by other trades or future works repairs need to be carried out and certified ASAP to maintain the fire integrity of the system.